The Value of Travel Agents: What You Need To Know

Many people don’t know that travel agents still exist. Even those that do often don’t know how they work or how helpful they can be for travelers. We didn’t know either until we started our travel agency, even though we had already traveled quite a bit.

Here’s something interesting: even if you don’t use a travel agent, you might be working with one without knowing it. Let me explain.

An Example of Hidden Travel Agents

Imagine Sarah wants to book a cruise. She has questions, so she calls the cruise company. She waits on hold for 45 minutes. When someone finally answers, they help her. That person is actually a travel agent who works for the cruise company.

A few days later, Sarah has more questions. She calls again and waits another 45 minutes. This time, she talks to a different agent. She probably has to go over many of the same things she did with the first travel agent, wasting even more time.

After booking, she decides to make a change. So she calls the cruise line and, after waiting on hold and answering the same questions, talks to a third agent who has no idea of Sarah’s preferences or circumstances that would impact what changes she wants to make.

Finally, on the day of Sarah’s cruise, she finds out there’s a problem with her tickets. With her family impatiently watching, Sarah waits on hold, answers the same questions, waits some more while it’s escalated, and is presented with options that won’t work for her family.

So, while Sarah didn’t use a travel agent, she talked with four or five of them, all of whom are paid by the cruise line and none of whom know anything about Sarah other than what the see on a screen.

Now, compare that to what would happen if Sarah had her own travel agent. First, her agent is also paid by the cruise line–there’s no added fee (and often a discounted fee and/or added bonuses).

If Sarah makes any changes or has any problems, she texts or calls her agent who has direct access to escalated cruise line support. Her agent already knows Sarah’s preferences and circumstances so they can provide solutions that work. Sarah has someone on her side to make sure her vacation goes smoothly

Also, her travel agent can watch fares even after booking. If they drop her agent can  get the cruise rebooked to save additional money.

Less hassles, headaches and wasted time often at a lower price. Having your own agent in your corner makes sense, especially when it doesn’t cost you any more–and may even save you some money.

No more waiting on hold or answering the same questions over and over. Get the travel experience you deserve.

Common Questions and Misconceptions About Travel Agents:

“Won’t using a travel agent cost me more?”

Many people are surprised when I tell them my services don’t cost extra. The price you pay already includes booking fees, whether you book through a website, directly with a cruise line, or another service. The company pays the booking fee to whoever makes the reservation. Some travel agents do charge extra fees, but we don’t.

We Save You Time and Stress

Now that you know it doesn’t cost extra to use an agent, why spend your time stressing over planning your trip? You could spend weeks researching and booking your vacation. Instead, let us handle everything. We’ll plan the perfect trip while you focus on other things.

Can a travel agent get me a better price?

Yes, we often can. Travel agents have access to special rates that the public can’t use. We also have relationships with companies that let us offer free upgrades, resort credits, and other perks that can make your vacation better without costing you more.

We Monitor Your Reservation for You

Do you worry about getting the best deal? When you book with us, we keep an eye on your reservation, especially for package deals like cruises or Disney trips. If the price drops after you book, we can often get you the lower price. This could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

We Focus on You, Not Sales

We work for you, not for travel companies. We don’t have sales goals to meet. Our goal is to find the best travel options for what you want and can afford. We take time to learn what you like and what’s most important for your vacation.

We Think of Things You Might Not

Many travelers don’t know they’re not covered by insurance when traveling to other countries. If you get sick in another country, they might keep your passport until you pay your medical bills. We make sure you know about these things and offer you good travel insurance options to protect you and your family.

We Provide Expert, Firsthand Advice

Most travel agents, including us, have traveled a lot. This experience can make your vacation even better. We can suggest good places to stay, things to see, and which tours are worth your time. Our family has visited over 65 countries, many more than once!

We Are Your Personal Advocate

If unexpected problems happen before or during your trip, we’re here to help. Whether it’s a delayed flight or an insurance claim, we know who to contact and how to fix the problem quickly.

Can I Really Call, Text, or Email Anytime?

Yes! When you book with us, you’re working directly with a real person—not a computer or a big customer service department. You’ll have direct contact with us, and if we’re not available, we have trusted co-workers ready to help you. All of this comes at no extra cost to you.

So, What Do You Think?

If you’ve never used a travel agent before, why not give it a try? We would love to help you plan your next vacation and many more after that. Let us know when you’re ready to turn your dream trip into a real one!